So i looked in my database of 270k hands, which might be considered as a reasonable sample size. The outcome of my analysis was quite interesting as i got both expected and surprising results.
P.s. my time zone is (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
The results:
- I haven't played a single hand of poker from 3 till 8 AM.
- My most profitable hour results-wise is 3-4 PM
- My highest winrate (14,74bb/100) is when I am playing 7-8PM ( I excluded highest winrate of 43bb/100 since I only played 86 hands on that hour)
- My worst hour results-wise is 9-10PM, which was very shocking to me, as i expected some of the best results on that hour.
- My lowest winrate is on 9-10PM ( Again, i excluded other lower winrates because of the sample size)
- I played most hands on 4-5PM, 3-4PM and 11-12PM , 32,7k, 29,4k and 22,4k respectively.
My winrate based on time of the day
Hands played based on time of the day
In conclusion, i will keep in mind theese results and adjust as there's no point in playing on those hours when i am loosing.
I hope it was interesting to read this post. For those who wish to analyse their databases and use PT4 do this (more filters-->add filter-->game details-->dates-->time of day)
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