Hi everyone,
Recently i want to play more multi table tournaments and world blogger championship of online poker is a good way to try it without any expences. So in order to get tickets for the events a blogger must write a 500 word post about his best moment while playing poker on pokerstars.
I had a few good moments while playing on stars. However my poker "career" isn't that big for me to have my best moment. So I'm going to write about not a single best moment but about few good times.
First of i'll start with a story how i got here. Two years ago i deposited 30 bucks and started learning to win at cash games. I started with two tables of 2 no limit :). Then i started to add some more tables to the mix. I managed to max out the number of tables till 9. After half of year i was playing 10 nl and really quickly got to the "quarter", then i had a huge swingy breakeven game. I stayed at that level and also had to drop down a bit for about a whole year. Then i climbed up to the no limit 50. That was huge for me. And the start was very successfull . I had my bankroll at its highest level :) Ahh goodtimes :) So then the rungood stoped and i realised i need to learn more in order to improve my skills and to beat the "fiddy" :) So now i'm in nl25 level wishing to get back to the 50nl.
Anyways here are my top moments :)
So here it is , the royal flush. I was so excited when it got there to the river. I still remember showing it to all my friends :) Now it looks kind of silly as there were several times when i had the best possible hand in poker.
Talking about funny moments and royal flushes, here is another screenshot which makes me smile.
You never want to fold royal flush :)
Next moment is floping the nuts in omaha.
Look what we have here, another royal flush. It's sad that now i have noticed that most of my royal flushes were on the smalest stakes i played :(
Another funny story is about me binking a 990 player hyper sit and go. It gave me a roi of 220 :D. Too bad i can't show anything like that about bigger buy in multi table tournaments :(.
So i searched my database to find out my biggest pot ever won. This is what came up. Now i wish i was playing 50 nl. I can not remember when i was sitting with 193 bucks on a single table. This makes me want to improve fastly. I hope i'll get there.
And for the end, it is allways nice to get shoved into when you hold quads :)
Can you guess what was my choise? :D
So that is it. I managed to get to 500 words. Hope it wasn't very borring for those who read this. Good luck to all who's playing wbcoop.
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