Monday, 30 September 2013

Target-->Goldstar. Monthly results loading...


Earlier i wrote that i was not going to make goldstar for the third consecutive time. However yesterday i had a lot of time and decided to go for it. So the daily result was awful but with a happy ending

Today is the last day and i feel sure that i will make it. I will finish this post later in the day as it will also be results post.


September results:

1) 2800 vpps for reload bonus. ~2,5k vpps for 120 $ bonus.

Here is the graph:

Tomorow morning i am going to Zakopane for a week.

Friday, 27 September 2013

minraise shove inducer

I don't know what is more EV in theese situations. However it is quite common when you are bvb or bvBU and min3bet/min4bet and your opponent is somewhat fishy. They push over with various overpairs, aces and some bradways. I need to look into theese spots more.

I am reducing the damage on september so that is nice. However if i complete both my bonus and goldstar that would be amazing.

GL at the tables.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Running it twice reduces variance...

So this month is the worst for the year so far. Had to move down to 16nl. That limit is going quite ok. However i am starting to lose motivation to put in the volume also to write a blog...

It is very likely that i will not remain goldstar, which i had achived for two straight months. That is nothing to be worried about though. I won't complete the whole reload bonus. Now this is not very good.

The good thing is that i think my stagnation with poker is bound to end. Either i am going to improve or i am going to stop playing so much ( really not that much, but it is to me). The main thing keeping me here is to get some money on the side.

I will continue playing mtt's sometimes.

The best thing lately is Lithuania taking down silver in Eurobasket 2013 in Slovenia!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Random hands

In the first one i thought what else other than AA he could have, was thinking about folding, but i still have not done this preflop, i think.

In the second one i was obviously thinking how to get all his monies. This play works quite often as vilain can not  fold his holdings.

Anyway the month is going terrible. Firstly i played bad and then i ran bad at 25nl zoom. Won back about half of winings on 16nl regular tables. I still have more than half of reload bonus to clear, but i think i will stay away from 25nl zoom as it is not worth the bonus. Will try to rebuild my roll on 16nl.

GL to all

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

September update: fpp satellites and moving down

I've already written about fpp use for hyper-turbo sunday storm satellites and this post is a continuation. So i wrote that i would try out 26 tourneys which is almost equal in fpps as 75$ bonus. Here are the results at the moment:

I am now freerolling for the next two tourneys as i've reached the 77 mark.

So my decision is to spend my fpps on these satellites until it becomes less valuable than 75$ bonuses ( I hope that never comes ).

Recently i had a huge downswing and decided to move down to 16nl regular tables. Oh boy, that limit is the fishyest limit i've ever seen maybe except 2nl. Here is todays graph.

I am embarrassed to show monthly graph. 16nl lets go.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

2013 August results and September goals


So the summer of 2013 is done. And now it is time to review and sum up the results. This month was very frustrating for me. So here are the results:

-133,71$ Cash game winnings
-12,40$ Tournament winnings
125$ Bonuses
 -21,11$ Total

Goals review:

1) play 50k hands.
Almost did that, 42,2k
2) remain goldstar
3) try to not check results while playing because i seem to tilt easily when i am losing
No way, this caused my results a lot
4) make notes and review hands after every day
I could say 70% done
5) if my bankroll grows try out 50nl tables
It did not grow
6) non poker. Lets say run 30 km
Lets say 0 km.

September goals:

1) 2800 VPPS (for re-load bonus. This is funny because i was trying to make deposit for a max of 600$ and failed. I transfered my currency just a bit short as i needed 6 more dollars for full 600. That means i lost 10$.)

That is it. I think setting other goals is no use for me because they do not seem very important.

GL to all