Thursday, 27 June 2013

Zoom and boom day 4

1st day  I did not play
2nd day boomed 10nl and 25nl  in 1.2k and 33 hands
3rd day boomed 10nl in like 3.7k hands!!!
4th day boomed 10nl in 1.2k hands

Will go for 25nl hand today

I just loled

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Zoom and boom promo

Hi guys.

First of i'll update my status.

The 100 billion hand promo was a total fail for me. I managed to lose a lot of money ( for me ) while trying to hit the milestone. Then just before the final hand i launched tables through 2 5 10 16 NL besides my 25 NL tables. I was happy as s#@t when the stars representative wrote that everyone who played nl5 will receive about 85$. That meant a lot as i was on my lowpoint this year bankrollwise. Anyways that wasn't really true as players got bonuses depending on their vpp's of the last 50 hands. So i got nothing because i played just 8 hands on that table and did not make any rake.

I think i will finally get some value out of stars' promo. It is called zoom and boom. Whenever you win postflop wih KcKs stars will pay you 100bb bonus up to 100$. This promo is quite messy from stars side as they said you can get one bonus per day. However some players got more than one bonus after the first day. Stars are now aware of that and i am a litle sad for missing this opportunity.

So yesterday i decided to participate in this promo and boomed two winning hands. One at 10 nl and one at 25 nl. It took me 1.2k hands to hit the one on 10nl and then just 38 hands to hit the one at 25nl.

Today it was a different story. I didn't know that I could get upset when being dealt KK!!! So I played a lot (for me) and after 3.4k hands I got dealt KsKc... and lost :D.

 It was nice though that I had to play only 300 more hands for another one. A winning one! I am thinking about trying to hit it on the 25nl.

I will try to go for 6 buy ins. GL to all.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Fishy hand of the day #3

So i started playing again. I gave 16nl a try. It was a success and i think i will stay in this limit for a while just to get my confidence back. Tables were quite fishy especialy one. Dude had 80 VPIP over 80 hands. I managed to win quite a lot of times against one particular fish even though my position on him wasn't the best. So here are the hands (Gotta love fish :) )



And of course #3 which was quite funny.

Monday, 3 June 2013

May review/ June goals

Here are my goals , which were posted for may:

-15k hands
- profit
- analyze my game more
- shot take 50nl

- run at least once a week
- finish writing my bachelor degree's final job

So this is a huge fail at all except one. The good thing is that the only goal i succeded is the most important.

1) 15k hands. Managed to play about 5k hands. The start of the month was on pace, but later i did not have time as there were lots of university stuff. Also my database of poker tracker broke down so i've stoped playing since then.

2) profit. Managed to lose 200$. I really need a winning month for confidence. Here's how i feel now...

3) Analyze my game more. lol

4) Shot take 50nl. See 1) - 3) :)

5) Run at least once a week. LOL

6) Finish writing my bachelor degree's final job. DING DING DING


Poker goals:
- Dont force anything, but also dont be lazy ass
- If possible try to play as much at the 100 billion promotion
- Continue learning process

Non poker:
- Graduate
- Party graduation
- Work out more (won't be going to gym in summer)
- Photography
- Start learning russian language

Good luck for all!