Wednesday, 30 January 2013

January wrap up

So this month got to be a turning point for me. I'll explain that later. First of all, lets review my goals set for january.[ ] regain confidence by moving down to 16-25 nlDone.
[ ] analyze my game moreNope. just a few hand reviews after bad days
[ ] finish my uni examsDid it. It is my first straight ten semester :)
[ ] relax before the last semester for my bachelors degreeDid some of this as me and gf enjoyed winter here. Also booked airplane tickets and hotel to Paris. Very excited.
[ ] 10 k hands7k. the pace was good , however stopped playing cash somewhere in the middle
[ ] reduce tiltfailed big time.
[ ] read more booksread some sng strategy and photography book
[ ] profitBreakeven with rakeback and sng
[ ] blogDone more blogging than expected

So the turning point.

A friend of mine recently started playing poker again. He plays sng and some tournaments and sattelites. We talk a lot and he said to me that i should try it out. He also said that it should be easy for me. Since he had a lot of success and i am tired of being breakeven cash player I will give it a try. 

Here are my cash results for this month. I think i will try to play some cash at the more profitable evenings.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Frozen up

So my poker is'nt going pretty well. All month is a rollercoaster. I'm still tilting money away.

Monthly graph:
I'm up a little more since pt4 don't like RIT hands
Since i don't have anything interesting to say about poker , here are some photos of winter in Lithuania.

This lady is crazy, she walked over frozen river and planted pieces of branches.  I guess she was marking the way as when she went all over to the other side she came back from were she appeared.

Monday, 14 January 2013


Would have been so nice to take down that 3 way pot. Considering that I'm recovering from a downswing causeed by tilt. But that's just variance. I guess it's more disguisting when it comes up on mtt's.


Yesterday I was playing daily dollar rebuy on full tilt. It was about 5 hours in the tournament. I was ITM. there were 60ish players. I was holding a pretty good about average stack , when this happens.

There seems to be some problem with the board. It ran 2hJdJs2c5s .I guess there was no need to shove over the river, but there were only 2 combinations that beat me. 22 and J5 . Few hands later i busted out for a small cash. It's really dissapointing as i managed to get 2nd place on this tournament a month ago.

Anyways , that's variance.

Good luck to all

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The good and the bad

Just gonna post two hands from today, which shows what i feel.
 Hand 1: Seems to me that nowadays it's easier to get stack from a reg than a fish
 Hand 2: was closing the session, was happy it was in the green. Well in the final it's not green. All because of this. This is my biggest problem. Monkey tilt/ stupid illogical decisions.
He showed AKs

Gonna do something better with my time. Study for upcoming exam, as poker is really not my thing right now :)

Good luck everyone

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Don't slowplay kings twice in a hand

January goals

So i see that for poker players having goals is a beneficial thing. I think i will try to do it from now on.
Here are my goals which i've already posted on twoplustwo:

[ ] regain confidence by moving down to 16-25 nl
[ ] analyze my game more
[ ] finish my uni exams
[ ] relax before the last semester for my bachelors degree
[ ] 10 k hands
[ ] reduce tilt
[ ] read more books
[ ] profit
[ ] blog

It's good to know that I've already achieved one of theese goals :)

good luck everybody

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The second first one

Hi everybody,

It's the second time I'm starting this blog. Previous try failed and I deleted it. So let me introduce myself. I'm a university student from Lithuania. I'm sudying chemistry engineering. One of my leisure time hobbies is poker. So this blog is going to be mostly about poker. On the next post I will write my goals for January.

Good luck everyone